Name : Fione Neo, YishunTown npcc cadet Age : Sweet 13 Birthday : 04/11/1996 Email : Description : Cheerful and kind, but if you make me angry, i'll bite! Was a 6 years dancer in NorthlandPri, now i'm a npcc cadet in YishunTown.
I love 1n2'09!
I love to smileeeee (:
I love SuperJunior, GirlsGeneration & Lee HongKi to th maxxxx! :D
Grant me
- The ink bag - A pair of new shoes - Rebond/extend hair - Pierce Helix - Pierce 2nd Helix - Contact Lens - New handphone - Get to see SuperJunior & LeeHongKi (!) -I want HIM
Just got the urge to blog now cause i'm feeling so down.. People around me are acting weird these few days, or is it me just being too sensitive? There's alot of things running through my mind and i doubt i can find someone to pour everything out. This really sucks, a lot.. Nothing has changed, just that i'm able to put everything down and carry on with my own life. And yes, got a lot of things to tell you but it would be better to keep it in my heart.